Before you decide to sell cars for cash, the first thing you need to is to estimate the value of your car. You can opt for using various valuation tools including HIP valuations, What Car? Or Parkers. If you want to get maximum cash for cars, you must consider selling it privately as you may earn 10% to 15% more than any other method. This would mean if your car is worth $5,500 while selling privately, you might lose around $500 if you sold it through a dealer.
To whom can you sell cars for cash?
There is no best way to sell cars for cash. It all depends upon how much effort you want to put in and how much value you want to extract. Every method has its pros and cons. Let’s take a detailed look at these methods.
- Selling it to a car dealer: If you don’t want to go through all the hassles of selling a car, you can always opt for selling it to a car dealer. There are two ways of negotiating with a car dealer. Either you can trade in your car for a new one or you can sell it outright. Usually, you will be able to extract less amount from a car dealer than private selling. However, this method is quick and convenient. Moreover, you won’t have the trouble of negotiating with multiple buyers. The selling price of your car will be determined by its make, model, mileage and running condition.
- Selling the car privately: If you want to earn top dollars by selling your car, you will have to spend some of your time and effort for it. You will have to personally contact potential buyers both offline and online. You can either sell your car to individual buyers, or you can contact a local junk car buyers near your hometown. Once you have communicated with the buyers, they offer you their respective quotes. After that, you will have to evaluate different offers based on their value. Apart from evaluating the offers, you will also have to check the credibility of the buyers to protect yourself from any kind of scam.

- Selling the car through online websites: If you want to reach a large number of potential buyers, you can always visit websites that connect you with them. You will have to first make an account giving a brief description of your car. You will have to mention in detail all the specifications including make, model, service records, mileage, etc. For better results, you will have to upload good quality pictures covering all the required angles and spot. Make sure that you click the photos in broad daylight for better contrast. Make sure that you have given correct information and maintained transparency. Never try to fake the specifications of your car.
- Selling the car at auctions: Selling your car in an auction is a quick and hassle-free process. However there no surety regarding the final price of the car. You might end up getting much less than what you might have expected. In case the final price is lower than your reserved price, you can opt to take your car back home and try again in another auction. There may also be a case that you succeed to attract a private buyer who is willing to pay a much higher price. Usually, there is some entry fee for the action which you must also consider while setting your reserved price. The best part of car auctions is that the moment your car gets the highest bidder, he pays you the money immediately. There are also online car auctions in which you have to advertise your car on a particular site giving its full description along with the photographs.
If you want to sell cars for cash, you can visit The company offers the best price for used, damaged, wrecked and junk cars and trucks. The company is one of the largest and oldest in the USA.
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